Gender Equality(Discrimination) and Women Empowerment

Aparna Bhat
3 min readJan 6, 2021

Gender equality is achieved when women and men enjoy the same rights, opportunities across all sectors of society, including economic participation, decision-making, and when the different behaviors, aspirations and needs of women and men are equally valued and favored. I would like to put my views about it and share my experience. So, lets rewinds a little bit and let me give a quick intro about myself . My schooling began in a small town of Northern India far away from the bustling life of big metropolitan cities that defines modern India. I was always hardworking and I always had a passion to achieve something in life and I always believe, there is nothing impossible and no one is born Intelligent so hard work was the only key for me.So after completing my high school ,I went out of town for higher studies. One day during my summer vacations, I was coming back to my home town from Mumbai via train. I met a mid aged lady, who started conversation with what do you do, where do you study, how many siblings do you have? I was responding to her with very limited information. Suddenly something got stuck in my mind, when she asked how many siblings do you have, she added the part “Do you have a brother” and I was surprised ,why is she giving so much importance so out of curiosity I asked her. Why, does it matter do I have a brother or sister and she replied, it does because whenever you will get married who will take care of your parents. I didn’t contradict her but her thoughts remain in my mind and after that I started noticing the same kind of mindset around me. So Discrimination is widely present in a country like India .

Source(Google image)

In India people are segmented in to three categories : lower class ,high class and middle class and I spoke to many of my friends about the same , some say it doesn’t exist in high class people, some say it does. But the question is how does it matter rich people are in minority and the highest percentage of people think the same.There’s low literacy in women, they are burdened by household chores and societal restrictions and women’s issues are hardly covered by the media, as there are fewer women journalists and Women Human Rights activists.Now the question arises can we change it, will this mindset ever get changed. The answer is “NO”. From our childhood, we see our parents respecting our grandparents and our grandparents having quite a say in their lives. We hear stories that tells us how our grandparents had quite an influence in the ways our parents chose their career, or carved their career paths, as well as how they behaved around their partners.The very fact that this appears striking to you, makes it appear normal to us — because this is how things are done.

Yesterday I came across this article, sharing with you all :

Women Empowerment is the transformation to our nation and global community. I always believe being a independent women gives you a voice.

What makes an independent women?

  1. She has unwavering belief in her strength.
  2. She walks with her head held high.
  3. She has a clear vision for her future.
  4. She takes 100% responsibility of her all outcomes.



Aparna Bhat

Budding Analytics Product Manager,Data Science enthusiast & Music lover ❤